This garden design features shade tolerant plants and shrubs. The client wanted a no lawn, low maintenance planting with diverse perennials and shrubs for 3 season appeal. Featuring: Carex grasses, Solomon’s Seal, Ferns, Goatsbeard, Astilbe, Hydrangeas, Irises, Wild Ginger, Boxwood, Bubblegum Rhododendron, Japanese Ferns, Virginia Bluebells, Deutzia and Hostas. Curbside planting is Periwinkle. Spring blooming bulbs were added in the Fall, White Daffodils, Pink and white Tulips and Crocuses to extend garden appeal and highlight the Pink Dogwood tree.

We install all our gardens with love and encourage our clients to make the garden their own by adding personal art. This client went the extra mile by adding custom engraved artwork featuring her favorite poetry and memorial plaques to her pets. Her garden has become a mainstay of the neighborhood and folks stop by to see it all the time.